New Approaches to Eczema Treatment Give Sufferers Hope For More Effective Relief

Eczema is an uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing condition that plagues more than 30 million Americans, according to the National Eczema Association. Also called atopic dermatitis, the main symptoms are red, itchy, and inflamed skin. This inflammation of the skin is caused by an over-reactive immune system, that when triggered by an irritant, attacks the body.

At the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology (ACAAI), scientist revealed two new medications to treat eczema. Crisaborole is the first anti-inflammatory medication approved in over 15 years for the treatment of mild-to-moderate eczema. It is an ointment that relieves swelling, itching, and redness of skin inflamed by eczema. It is approved for patients  two years and older. The other medication is called Dupilumab. It is a biologic therapy that is administered via injection to patients 18 years or older who have not responded to, or cannot use topical medication for their mild to moderate eczema. These new treatments give hope to patients living with eczema and new options for healthcare providers such as those at primary medical care centers or urgent care clinics to offer to their patients in distress.

The allergists who presented at the annual meeting expressed great hope for the near future as more and more effective treatments will become available. Patients should be aware of these options and seek proper medical care when symptoms persist. These new medications don’t only treat the symptoms of eczema, but also target the underlying causes. The underlying causes of eczema vary from dry skin, allergens, and immune system dysfunction, to genetics. Patients should discuss their options with their healthcare providers, including those at their primary medical care centers and urgent care clinics.


