How Can We Make Healthcare Accessible to Underserved Communities

The U.S. has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, especially in terms of medical innovation and research output. Unfortunately, millions of Americans are still left without access to these resources. Recent figures on health insurance coverage show that up to 28 million U.S. citizens do not benefit from any form of health insurance.

This is worrying news, particularly when we consider that nearly 1 in 2 Americans suffers from at least one chronic disease, according to recent data. And health insurance is just one of the multiple factors impacting access to healthcare services. Many vulnerable communities remain underserved, and the problem is more complex than just insurance coverage.

Are you searching for accessible healthcare services in Florida? Call us at (305) 751-1500 or use our contact form! Thanks to our door-to-doctor transportation and integrative healthcare services, we make primary care more convenient and efficient for seniors.

The Most Common Roadblocks to Healthcare Access

Healthcare inequity is a complex issue that spans multiple factors. But one thing remains true— underserved communities are indirectly excluded from equal health access. Each patient’s case is different, but there are a few common roadblocks to consider:

  • Poverty

Insured and uninsured patients alike might encounter this obstacle. Most accessible insurance plans won’t cover complex investigations or interventions. Because of the extensive costs, patients who lack financial resources must inevitably postpone or give up on much-needed medical treatment.

  • Long travel distances

Geographical location is another contributing factor to health inequity. Patients living in remote or underserviced areas have to travel long distances for doctor visits and treatment appointments. Further factors such as age, disability, and income status can make traveling all the more challenging.

  • Lack of transportation

Finally, healthcare access might not even be an option for some communities. Members of rural communities and those living in economically disadvantaged areas often lack access to healthcare altogether. Providers are less likely to establish medical practices in remote or poor ZIP code areas.

Alternatively, clinics in these locations might not offer a full range of medical services. It’s not uncommon for patients to be passed over to other practices, even when transportation poses a significant barrier to treatment continuation.

How Healthcare Providers Can Help Underserved Communities

The economically disadvantaged, the elderly, rural populations, racial minorities, and immigrant communities are forced to face the consequences of our inequitable healthcare system. The numbers show it. We require a widespread systemic change to bridge the health gap between underserved and more privileged communities.

The actual change seems still far. However, healthcare providers can contribute to a positive change today! Here’s what healthcare practices can do to shift things in the right direction:

  • Acknowledging Social Issues and Roadblocks to Healthcare Access

Providers can start by mapping out the most underserved geographical areas. Whether due to physical access or economic conditions, being familiar with a patient’s environment helps practitioners better understand the unique challenges that impact their patient’s health. Acknowledging these factors will contribute to a more comprehensive and well-tailored screening and treatment approach.

  • Making Healthcare More Readily Accessible

The elderly and the disabled face significant challenges regarding healthcare access. Healthcare providers can aid such patients by expanding their offer of services. Including telehealth counseling and home health services will ease the economic, physical, and psychological burden on such patients. Making healthcare services more readily accessible can also improve treatment adherence and patient satisfaction.

  • Collaborating With Under-Served Communities

Increasing representation in the medical practice can help in two ways. First, it improves patient trust and collaboration with healthcare providers. Patients who feel understood are more likely to communicate openly with their doctors. This will then increase the primary care providers’ diagnostic and treatment success.

Secondly, creating a body of professional representatives can offer unique insight and a more integrated approach to patient treatment. Bridging the gap between theory and practice is not always easy. Even the most well-intended providers can sometimes overlook key sociocultural factors in their patient’s treatment. A professional with hands-on experience in the target environment can maintain a keen eye for detail and approach patients where they stand.

  • Cultivating A Patient-Centered Approach

Finally, healthcare providers need to take into account a patient’s satisfaction. Patients are often reluctant to pursue or continue treatment. The current approach in the medical field is often rushed, cold, and impersonal, leaving the target population feeling unmotivated and skeptical.

This seemingly simple approach makes patients doubt providers’ interests and professionalism. We should all strive to create a comfortable, open atmosphere and encourage meaningful doctor-patient communication. Patient-friendly service should be a priority, from the front desk staff all the way to the doctor’s office.

At Primary Medical Care Center, we prioritize healthcare accessibility in multiple ways. We focus on preventive care and provide wellness classes and case-specific disease management. We offer an extensive package of in-clinic diagnostic and treatment services. We also provide door-to-doctor transport and home health services throughout Florida.

For more information, call us at (305) 751-1500 or use our contact form!

