Let’s Talk About Sex: Is Endometriosis Affecting You in The Bedroom?

As we observe Endometriosis Awareness Month in the month of March, we examine the many ways that this very debilitating disease affects over 176 million women worldwide. The website, endometriosis.org, defines endometriosis as, “a condition in which tissue similar to the lining inside the uterus (called “the endometrium”), is found outside the uterus, where it induces a chronic inflammatory reaction that may result in scar tissue.”

One of the symptoms of endometriosis is called dyspareunia or painful intercourse. This occurs because of inflammation and the fusing of fibrous tissues in the area between the vagina and the rectum. Depending on the sexual position, the pain intensity can vary. Of course, this can be a very sensitive subject for her to discuss with her partner as well as her healthcare provider, but it is a very necessary and important conversation to have.

Sex is meant to be pleasurable and no woman should suffer in silence. Communication is key, but knowledge that there are available treatment options and ways to manage the pain and discomfort can make a world of a difference. Laparoscopic excision is a surgical method that has been used to bring relief to women who experience painful intercourse due to endometriosis.

If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis or are experiencing extreme pain with intercourse, and would like to discuss your treatment options, you may schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider at any of our convenient Primary Medical Care Center community clinics, you may visit our website at www.primarymed.com, or call (305)751-1500 for our Miami-Dade clinic, or (954)289-0000 for our Broward clinic.

Source: https://endometriosis.org/resources/articles/facts-about-endometriosis/


