Belly Pain? Constipation? Bloating? Don’t be Embarrassed, it Could be IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. defines it as, “a common gastrointestinal disorder involving an abnormal condition of gut contractions (motility) and increased sensations (visceral hypersensitivity) characterized by abdominal pain/discomfort, gas, bloating, mucous in stools, and irregular bowel habits with constipation or diarrhea or alternating diarrhea and constipation.”

Experts at the Mayo Clinic share that most symptoms of IBS can be controlled by managing diet, lifestyle and stress, while the more severe symptoms can be treated with medication and counseling. The National Institutes of Health recommends the following dietary guidelines for IBS patients:

  • Increase Fiber- To improve constipation symptoms by softening stools.
  • Avoid Gluten – People with IBS tend to be sensitive to foods with gluten.
  • Low FODMAP Diet- Avoiding certain foods that contain carbohydrates called FODMAPS (examples: apples, canned fruit, artichokes, milk, wheat, honey)

Proper diagnosis of IBS involves a physical exam, full evaluation of one’s medical history, and laboratory testing to rule out any other conditions. You may schedule an appointment at any of our convenient Primary Medical Care Center community clinics, or visit our website at, call (305)751-1500 for our Miami-Dade clinic, or (954)289-0000 for our Broward clinic.


