“Clean Hands Saves Lives”

This global pandemic has highlighted the fact that handwashing is an effective way to prevent infections and illnesses. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), sponsors the national campaign, “Clean Hands Saves Lives,” that teaches the five effective steps(wet, lather, scrub, rinse, dry) in handwashing to “reduce the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illnesses so you can stay healthy longer.”

With 80% of communicable diseases transferred by touch and understanding that proper handwashing several times daily can reduce diarrhea rates by 40%, it is important to educate the public that proper handwashing should become a healthy habit. According to Familydoctor.org, “Handwashing remains the No.1 tip for preventing the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). It is common sense and it works. However, it must be done properly with soap and water. When soap and water are not available, the next best option is to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.”

Here are some healthy handwashing tips to remember:

  • Wash your hands with soap and clean water for at least 20 seconds. Lather and clean your entire hand, including the back of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails. Dry your hands after washing with a clean dry towel after every wash.
  • Learn the four principles of handwashing:
  • Wash your hands when they are dirty and before eating.
  • Do not cough into your hands.
  • Do not sneeze into your hands.
  • Do not put your fingers in your eyes, nose, or mouth.

To speak with a healthcare provider at Primary Medical Care Center & Urgent Care Clinic to assess any non-emergency health concerns, including suspected COVID-19 symptoms, please call (305)751-1500 for our Miami-Dade clinic or (954)289-0000 for our Broward clinic. For life-threatening emergencies, always call 911. For coronavirus updates and resources, please visit our website at www.primarymed.com.

Sources: https://familydoctor.org/handwashing-and-covid-19


